Thursday, May 24, 2012

Make me mommy

 See that please-pinch-my-cheeks bundle of joy? Oh I wish that's mine. But nope, she's my newborn niece. She's a munchkin. If she were to be a doughnut she'd be a peanut butter jelly. Excuse my gourmand reference to a human being, I can't help it, she's too cute she left me in diabetic coma.

Don't you just love babies? That endless powdery, after-bathe, lily scented smell of theirs would just throw you into bliss intoxication, no?

Just yesterday I put up a status on FB on how everyone seems to be pregnant and I'm happy for them. And I mean it. I'm happy for those who are granted by God to conceive a child and having the opportunity to raise a human being not only with tender, love and care but with full responsibility. Every pregnant couple deserves an applause as they are about to embark on a journey of self fulfillment; the pinnacle of bliss.

As for me the thing I look forward to about raising a child is how I would better myself, physically and soulfully.  Physically because I'd need the energy to care for my child, my husband and my household. Soul betterment as I want my child to look up to me as an idol, an exemplary in every good pursuits in her/his life.

Maybe I sound too ambitious, maybe this extravagant hope of mine has thrown me off the list of being a mom or maybe, it has not yet my rezeki to have one of my won. I much prefer the latter.

Thus, I have never stopped praying. Ceased I have may in the attempt department but the dream to conceive will always be there.

Oh so much for a quiet Thursday evening.

Ya Allah, my creator... please make me mommy. Ameen.

Friday, May 04, 2012

What will be will be

Hi readers.

I've been contemplating to just delete this blog of  mine due to the recent 'tsunami' that has hit my family. Strangely though, when I attempted it I simply could not. So, let's just say I'm still here but this blog will not narrate my TTC stories; but with God willing it'd be something else all together.

Anyways, on a different note yours truly have failed miserably in the training department due to bad knee. I accidentally injured my left knee and life has never been the same since. And living at an apartment with no elevator services does not help either. Now I just started my physiotherapy session. The only thing that I love so mmmmuch about my injury is of course, my orthopedic specialist. He's young but he dons the silver hair! Gorgeous! Ummmphh! Boy how I regret for not getting my pedicure done!

My very own Richard Gere
And I freeze my gym membership. So the alternative to shedding those dreadful kilos is this 'thing'. To be honest I was coerced to purchase this set. A small tin like this here would last for 1 week and it fetched at RM144 so you do the maths. A 4-week-consumption won't get me anywhere, that I'm sure of. Anyhow, rather than not taking any measures, attempting this would at least make me feel better. I hope.

Help me
We'll see how things go.

I've just got to play the 'que sera sera' game this year as the dragon has been nothing but mean.

Till then. XOXO.